
Add post link in map info window First of all copy below code {{data.post_title}} {{data.meta.formattedAddress}} {{data.meta.phone}} Now go to Admin menu Reactive Templates->All map info window t ...

Modify Grid Template in Reactive pro? Here are some of the useful FAQ to help you to modify Reactive Grid template or search result or grid layout First go to the below URL https://redq.gitbooks.io/reactive-pro-advance-searching-filtering/content/faq.html The ...

Documentation Link? https://reactive-docs.vercel.app/quick-start

How to get 300x300 image url for the search result grid? you can use the below hooks code // The filter callback function. function example_callback($data) { foreach ($data['allPosts'] as $key => $value) { $thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thu ...

How can i learn grid (search result) template coding? We are using Wordpress underscore templating system for our search result / grid template  You can check Wordpress official docs for their templating from here  https://codex.wordpress.org/Javascript_Reference/wp.template ...

How to Restrict or Exclude Terms / How to Restrict or Exclude Terms and their post? I am adding an example to help you understand how term restriction works, For the example: i have three product category terms, i) Clothing ii) Music iii) Poster and 6 products where, product #1, has Clothing and Poster ...

How to get quick help from support for Reactive Pro? NB: Before Submitting ticket make sure you have installed redq-reuse-form helper plugin installed So, if you want us to help you out as soon as possible, please send us the below information your search page urladmin creden ...

Why map loading time is different from browser to browser? Hello,The issue has already fixed by one of our customer. You can follow below instruction. I am providing his exact replies. I only force reactive to use a normal marker instead. By changing the property name that is used o ...

How to use hook to show WooCommerce price in the grid? // The filter callback function. function example_callback($data) { foreach ($data['allPosts'] as $key => $value) { $product = wc_get_product($value['ID']); $data['allPosts'][$key]['product_price_html ...

How To Change Date To German Language or any other Language in the Grid? Add the below code at the top of your grid, {{postDate}} now, let see what is happening in the above code the first line, var event = new Date(post.post_date); in the above code, we have taken our post-created ...

Reuse Form not installed/ Installation errors Please follow below installation procedure.  https://reactive-docs.vercel.app/installation

Send love to our product Hope you have liked our product. Our engineering & technical support team puts great effort to create the best product in the market with continuous effort to improve it each day for our users. We will really appreciate ...

Why my WordPress search page is slow, what are the best practices for a large number of posts for better performance? First of all, Reactive pro is an instant search plugin. That means this plugin tries to fetch all your data (posts, terms, meta, term meta) in the initial load and generate the graph data for you so that when you do any searc ...

Custom data in the grid template we suggest modifying the grid data based on the below faq https://redq.gitbooks.io/reactive-pro-advance-searching-filtering/content/faq.html 49) How to show shortcode in grid template? instead of shortcode, you can return ...

How to check docs? I will suggest you start with our video tutorials from this article  Where can I found the reactive pro tutorial videos? The videos are a bit old but you will understand how our plugin works, Then please start with our qu ...

How to use wordpress default search with Reactivepro? Enable the settings from your adminReactive -> settings -> https://share.getcloudapp.com/9ZuxWKWE

What to do, when suddenly Search page is not working or clicking on the settings panel getting blank page with error? if you know the below information then you can forward this information to support  1. since when you are getting that error? 2. what changes you did that lead to that error? 3. did you delete or removed anything from t ...

Home page Search/Select search page? To do the home page search just create a rebuilder shortcode and select the redirect page where you want to readirect when submit the search.after creating the shortcode as usual paste the shortocde in the homepage and in the ...

How to show woocommerce variable product Price? you can just use the price_html for the variable price   https://share.getcloudapp.com/v1ub2Lok So in your grid template code where you are showing price you need to use the below code {{{post.price_html}}} ...

Plugin showing console errors/not working at a random time? Regarding sudden error at random times can happen for several reasons, Uses of Caching plugin (WP Rocket, WP smush, yoast etc)Uses of minify pluginLow budget servers (temp server, free server, low-cost server)Server issue (s ...

Where can I found the reactive pro tutorial videos? You can find the Tutorial videos from this playlist, These videos are from version 3.0 but most of the concept, building search pages, filtering is still same. Some of the option name might change in such case please feel fr ...

Why & when helper addons are needed? We have 2 helper addons for you,Reuse Form: This is a core add-on, it's required with our plugin. It's a separate plugin because if you use our other plugin such as Reuse Builder it will not load two times.Google Map: Google ...

Why Reactive plugin feels a bit difficult at the beginning? Reactive Pro is a large plugin not in terms of its size but in terms of the feature and customizability it offers. It is the only advanced search plugin that has a dedicated frontend search page builder.  Not understanding ...

Item Support Policy We strictly follow Envato item support policy https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy you can find what's not included in the support there 

How Autocomplete search work? The autocomplete is built to work within the dropdown. So the fuzzy search of autocomplete only works within the dropdown as expected. you can choose your result from the dropdown as this is the expected behavior but as soon ...

How to use Reactive pro hooks? NB: Check the hooks.md file inside the plugin files to know about hooks and where they are available.For example if you want to modify the image size, you can try it like below function reactiveProCustomGridData ($data){ ...