
Chawkbazar Laravel

React Hook Form As you know already we are using react-hook-form. react-hook-form works a bit differently than other react form libraries. It has its own state management system to make it performant, preventing unnecessary rending and yo ...

Send love to our product Hope you have liked our product. Our engineering & technical support team puts great effort to create the best product in the market with continuous effort to improve it each day for our users. We will really appreciate ...

Can I get a Refund? Unfortunately, we don't provide Refund except if you can have a detailed discussion with the support team and you can prove to them there is a bug that is stopping you from releasing or using our product. In order to consider ...

How Social Login Work? The necessary direction below will help you to integrate custom social providers as well. How Social Login Works at Chawkbazar Laravel For Social site authentication, we are using NextAuth https://next-auth.js.org/ for t ...

Email notification on order creation For sending emails we have provided two events. Those events are commented right now. What you have to do is uncomment that code resides in OrderRepository.php file.  uncomment below two lines // event(new OrderCreated($ ...

Item Support Policy We strictly follow Envato item support policy https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy you can find what's not included in the support there