

What is Headless Shopify? Picksy is a headless commerce application based on Shopify.  You won't be able to install this theme in Shopify as it will be a separate entity. To know more about headless commerce please check this article https://www.s ...

What is Headless Shopify? Picksy is a headless commerce application based on Shopify.  To know more about headless shopify please check this articlehttps://www.gatsbyjs.com/solutions/shopify https://www.shopify.com/enterprise/headless-commerce

How to setup Picksy template? Here is our installation guide in sequential order https://picksy-documentation.now.sh/installationhttps://picksy-documentation.now.sh/installation/1.%20setup-shopifyhttps://picksy-documentation.now.sh/installation/2.%20setu ...

How to install this theme in Shopify? Picksy is a headless commerce application based on Shopify. You won't be able to install this theme in Shopify as it will be a separate entity. To know more about headless commerce please check this article https://www.sho ...

What is Headless Shopify? Picksy is a headless commerce application based on Shopify.  You won't be able to install this theme in Shopify as it will be a separate entity. To know more about headless commerce please check this article https://www.s ...

Can not read Property Length of undefined? Make sure your shopify prismic category have a parent category.Also make sure your parent category have at lease one category that is selected your parent category otherwise you will get this error.

Send love to our product Hope you have liked our product. Our engineering & technical support team puts great effort to create the best product in the market with continuous effort to improve it each day for our users. We will really appreciate ...

Item Support Policy We strictly follow Envato item support policy https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy you can find what's not included in the support there 

Can I get a Refund? Unfortunately, we don't provide Refund except if you can have a detailed discussion with the support team and you can prove to them there is a bug that is stopping you from releasing or using our product. In order to consider ...