Headless - React GraphQL Firebase Ads Template


1. Send love to our product

2. Can I get a Refund?

3. Having trouble deploying?

4. How to install this application?

5. Missing or insufficient permission?

6. Item Support Policy

1. Send love to our product

Hope you have liked our product. Our engineering & technical support team puts great effort to create the best product in the market with continuous effort to improve it each day for our users. We will really appreciate it if you can show your appreciation for our product by sending us a 5-star rating at Envato. Good feedbacks encourage the whole team to improve the product better.  You can send us your feedback from this link https://codecanyon.net/downloads under the Download button here https://monosnap.com/file/IjKAVXsi5Ej9Xrx0zkQt9Cl1cc0R39.

2. Can I get a Refund?

Unfortunately, we don't provide Refund except if you can have a detailed discussion with the support team and you can prove to them there is a bug that is stopping you from releasing or using our product. In order to consider for refund, the feature needs to be available in our product and there needs to be a genuine bug with valid proof that the bug is available. This is the only case which we may consider for a refund but it's very rare as most of the features you will use is very stable for years now and lots of users are using them on regular basis.  Also, any issue or bug that is only not working for your case but working on our site and other user's sites is not considered for a refund. A third-party plugin or theme conflict is also not considered for a refund. 

3. Having trouble deploying?

Some of our user recently shared their experience how they have overcome the deploying issue with Headless template. Here we are sharing the exact exact steps needed to fix this issue,

Update your node js to 8.1,

after changing the version make sure clean up the packages using below command by running below command

yarn clean
yarn clean:build

also, make sure you followed the point 3 from below,

1 -  Node 8.1.0, Firebase tools 6.4.0

2 - Update the server/package.json to 

"engines": {    "node": "8.1"  }

If in headless-graphql/package.json cp packages/server/{package.json,.env} does not work and needs changing to cp packages/server/package.json packages/cloud/ & cp packages/server/.env packages/cloud/

3 - copy the yarn.lock file into the cloud deployment folder

If in your case 8.1 doesn't work try with version 8.0. it should fix it.

4. How to install this application?

Please follow our installation documentation with a video and step by step guide here 


5. Missing or insufficient permission?

Looks like a permission issue.

please go to Firestore -> rules then add the below snippets

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write;

Note: This completely turns off security for the database!

But don't worry we are doing requests from Backend where we are authorizing the requests first before making any requests to firebase.

6. Item Support Policy

We strictly follow Envato item support policy https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy

you can find what's not included in the support there